Heavy Industrial

DIOMIS Engineering provides engineering support to the primary engineer of record for various types of structures specific to the heavy industrial manufacturing sector.

  • Segmented Storage Silo
    • This structure features a multi cell silo and an inverted discharge cone. The structure outside diameter is approximately 21 meters and rises approximately 60 meters above grade. The structure is constructed of conventional reinforced concrete supported on a reinforced concrete pile cap and caissons.
  • Baghouse Structure
    • The structure features a concrete and steel structure supporting bag filters.  The concrete structure is reinforced concrete, specially detailed for a high seismic zone. The structure is approximately 30 meters x 15 meters in plan rising 11 meters above grade.  The steel structure supporting the bag filters rises approximately 8 meters above the top of concrete structure.  The structure is supported on a reinforced concrete pile cap and caissons.
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